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List of '40 Wentworth'

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This list shows all puzzles of the category 40 Wentworth.

Puzzles all over: 170

Pieces Pieces
Title Producer ArtNr GTIN Year Artist [cm] [Pieces] State
40 40 44806 and 80136 in Carrog Station Wentworth - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut yyg
40 40 Aber bitte mit Sahne... Wentworth - 9783896660572 - Jürgen Gildemeister 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Abschleppdienst Wentworth 589 - - Reinhart Geistert 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 44 Agneatha and Her Kittens Wentworth 622506 6050265248680 - Lesley Anne Ivory 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Alice in Wonderland Wentworth 622313 6050265248239 - Royce B. McClure 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 All the Bears in the Wide Wild World Wentworth 202781013 6050265281878 - Jackie Morris 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Alle Jahre wieder... Wentworth 9783896666581 Pitopia 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ygg
40 46 Arearea dit aussi Joyeusetes, 1892 Wentworth C1900051 3336728530466 - Paul Gauguin 12,5 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 40 Auslieferung, Delivery Wentworth 212683006 6050265323387 2017 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Backlit Daffodils Wentworth - - - Ernie James 8,5 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Blooming Bunny (1) Wentworth 902301 6050265361587 2021 William Park 8,5 x 12,0 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Blooming Bunny (2) Wentworth 902301 6050265361587 2021 William Park 8,5 x 12,0 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Bordered Diamonds Quilt by Kaffe Fassett Wentworth - - 2010 - 8,7 x 12,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Bougainvillaea Wentworth Patrick Livingstone 11,2 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 Buttercups Wentworth 493506 - - Mary Dipnall 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 39 By Royal Decree Wentworth 543406 - - Ian Kent 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 41 The Cathedral from the South East Wentworth - - - - 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Catkin and her Kittens Wentworth 681906 6050265270957 - Lesley Anne Ivory 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 49 Cock and Bull Wentworth - - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 52 Confusion at the Edge Wentworth 463006 - - Lyndsey Selley 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 47 Corks Wentworth 8481 - - - 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Cottage Garden Wentworth 490502 - - Royce B. McClure 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Cragside, Northumberland Wentworth - - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 Crazy Fan Quilt (Detail), 1875-1900 Wentworth - - - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The cross on the high altar, St Pauls Cathedral Wentworth Victorian Cut ygg
40 46 Dasies Wentworth 493306 - - Mary Dipnall 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 39 Dasies Sunset Wentworth 493106 - - Mary Dipnall 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Decadence Wentworth 642413 6050265261009 - Carole Gordon 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Dem Deutschen Volke Wentworth - 9783896660671 - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 Detail from Blackadder Livery Coverlet 1898 Wentworth 157266012 6050265334581 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 47 Dickens s Dream Wentworth - - - Robert William Buss 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 41 Domstadt Speyer Wentworth - 6050265343224 - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 44 Drei Musketiere Wentworth 527 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Dusk at Eragny Wentworth Camille Pissarro 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut yrg
40 40 Egg-cellent Disguise Wentworth 942301 6050265368340 2021 John Francis 8,5 x 12,0 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Ein Abführmittel aus Eisen Wentworth 522 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 41 Ein ganz legales krummes Ding Wentworth 549 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Ein lebensnahes Spiel, bei dem Seitensprünge erlaubt sind Wentworth 549 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 51 Ein Sechser im Lotto, jUHU Wentworth 554 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 47 Ein Tummelplatz für Stars und Sternchen Wentworth - 9783896665348 - - 12,0 x 8,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 49 Eine luftige Qualitätsanzeige Wentworth 503 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Eine teure Variante des alten Murmelspiels Wentworth 542 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 41 Die einzige Macht, vor der die gesamte Menschheit auf die Knie fällt Wentworth 538 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Die einzigen Reproduktionen, die begehrter sind als das Original Wentworth 523 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 44 Elefantentor Wentworth 9783896660619 Manfred Brückels 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggy
40 52 Elegantestes Auslaufmodell unter Sattelschleppern Wentworth 013 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Das erfolgreichste Theater der Neuzeit Wentworth 010 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Die Erste und die Schnellste Wentworth 212683001 6050265294175 2015 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Festival of Nutcrackers Wentworth 892506 6050265358174 2019 Randy Wollenmann 12,5 x 8,7 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Festive Bookshelf Wentworth 851013 6050265346539 - Aimee Stewart 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Festive Cracker Wentworth 692601 6050265282035 - Jane Ryder-Gray 25,0 x 5,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 42 Festive Kitten Wentworth 572806 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 39 (Fischotter) Wentworth - 8,5 x 12,0 Victorian Cut yrg
40 40 Florence Bridge Wentworth - Dominic Davison 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut yyy
40 40 Frauenkirche Dresden (1) Wentworth 14542 - - - 12,0 x 8,5 Victorian Cut gyy
40 40 Frauenkirche Dresden (2) Wentworth 14541 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Frohe Ostereier Wentworth - 9783896666284 - Murat Subatli 8,0 x 12,0 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Frohe Ostern Wentworth - 9783896666291 - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Gabrielle and the Nouveau Poster Wentworth 661806 6050265272647 - 8,7 x 12,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Giants Causeway, County Antrim Wentworth 941505 6050265368463 - - 12,4 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Grandpas Potting Shed Wentworth 802108 6050265332938 - Steve Read 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The Great Cavalcade assembling at Deeside Loop Wentworth - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut yyg
40 44 Hamburg - Alsterjogger Wentworth 584 9783896665843 - Sina Vodjani 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Hamburg - Alsterpanorama Wentworth 665 - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Hamburg - Auf dem Weg zur Arbeit Wentworth 136317376 9783896660510 - Ralf Degen 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Hamburg - Michel aus Sicht der Krameramtsstuben Wentworth 576 - - - 8,7 x 12,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Hamburg - Speicherstadt bei Nacht Wentworth 578 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Hand in Hand Wentworth 555 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Happy Birthday Wentworth - 9783896660725 - Val Thoermer 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 (Happy Rizzi House) Wentworth - 12,0 x 8,5 Victorian Cut yrg
40 40 Heads in the Clouds Wentworth 2821 - - Brian Pollard 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Henri IV relevant Sully Wentworth - 3336728582564 Alexandre-Louis Millin du Perreux 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Reinbek (1) Wentworth 212683004 6050265323363 2017 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Herz-Jesu-Kirche, Reinbek (2) Wentworth 212683003 6050265323356 2017 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Herzlichen Glückwunsch Wentworth 571 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 42 Holly Wentworth 572901 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Holzpuzzle Nr. 5 Wentworth 212683007 6050265343163 2018 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Holzpuzzle Nr. 7 Wentworth 212683008 6050265357993 2019 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Home Sweet Home Wentworth 543506 - - Ian Kent 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Ich komme Wentworth 136317353 9783896662323 - Werner Schmäing 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Igel Wentworth 009 - - - 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Iris Wentworth - Vincent van Gogh 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut yrg
40 40 Ironbridge, Telford Wentworth 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ygg
40 42 Its Snow Fun Wentworth 612101 6050265239541 - Greg Giordano 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 46 Ivy Wentworth 572901 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 46 A Joyous Christmas to All Wentworth 1920 - - - 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 44 Kater Carlo Wentworth 515 - - - 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Kiftsgate Blues Wentworth 543606 - - Ian Kent 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The King of the Forest Wentworth 640101 6050265258412 Evgeni Dinev 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 Kingfishers Catch Fire, Dragonflies Draw Flame Wentworth 157266002 6050265190996 - Rowena Réamonn 36,0 x 25,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The Lakes Wentworth 463405 - - Kevin Walsh 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Land in Sicht Wentworth 553 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 London, The Thames with View of the City and St Pauls Cathedral (1) Wentworth 482404 - - Canaletto 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut gyy
40 40 London, The Thames with View of the City and St Pauls Cathedral (2) Wentworth 482404 6050265121907 - Canaletto 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Loschenturm in Bremerhaven Wentworth 111 - - Jürgen Howaldt 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Ludgate Hill and St Pauls Wentworth - - Kevin Walsh 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut yyg
40 45 A Merry Christmas Wentworth 1910 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Migration Wentworth 473706 6050265119232 - Royce B. McClure 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 The Mill Pond Wentworth - Alexander Sheridan 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut yyy
40 46 Mopsfidel Wentworth 588 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 42 Mosaic Diamonds Quilt (Detail), 1861 Wentworth - - - Anne Eliza Urquhart 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 43 Mosaic Diamonds Quilt, 1861 Wentworth 492413 - - Anne Eliza Urquhart 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Mottisfont Rose Garden, Hampshire Wentworth 914305 - 2020 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The Night Before Christmas Wentworth 813401 6050265334635 2017 Steve Crisp 12,4 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 40 Noahs Ark (1) Wentworth 653807 6050265262143 - Peter Barrett 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Noahs Ark (2) Wentworth 474607 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut yyg
40 32 Noggin and Natter Wentworth 461708 - - Kevin Walsh 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Nutcracker Wentworth 892801 6050265358075 - Randy Wollenmann 6,9 x 12,5 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Oster-Konferenz Wentworth - 9783896660749 - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 44 Oster-Küken Wentworth - 9783896660732 - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ygg
40 48 Osterlamm Wentworth - 9783896666314 Keven Law 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 39 Panda Posy Wentworth 2819 - - Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Pebbles Wentworth 8483 - - - 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Picking Potatoes Wentworth Camille Pissarro 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut yrg
40 47 Picnic and Baseball Wentworth 462008 - - Kevin Walsh 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 30 Poinsettas Wentworth 572901 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Poppies Wentworth 493606 - - Mary Dipnall 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The Puzzle that Broke the Ice Wentworth 851401 6050265348755 2018 - 12,5 x 8,7 MD Cut ggg
40 40 The Puzzle that Made Christmas Wentworth 651201 6050265263546 - Steve Hoare 12,5 x 8,7 MD Cut ggg
40 40 The Puzzle that Pines for Your Attention Wentworth 892413 6050265357986 2019 - 12,5 x 8,7 MD Cut ggg
40 50 Queen Mary Departs Wentworth 463309 - - Kevin Walsh 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Rabbit Trio Wentworth 550906 6050265227968 - Lynne Jones 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 33 Recurring Rudolph (1) Wentworth 525001 - - - 12,0 x 8,2 MD Cut ggg
40 33 Recurring Rudolph (2) Wentworth 525001 - - - 12,0 x 8,2 MD Cut ggg
40 40 Regatta at Argenteuil Wentworth FR115 Claude Monet 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ygg
40 42 Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin Wentworth - 9783896660664 - Marcel Kasik 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Rustic Retreat Wentworth 907 - - Arthur Claude Strachan 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Sailing at St Ives Wentworth 8485 Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ygg
40 40 Sailing Race Wentworth 8486 - - Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 44 Schildkröte Wentworth 401 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 43 Schwerin - Schloss (1) Wentworth - 9783896666109 - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 40 Schwerin - Schloss (2) Wentworth - 9783896666093 - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 42 Schwerin - Schloss um 1850 Wentworth - 9783896666123 - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 47 Science Library, Görlitz, Germany Wentworth 642305 6050265259112 - - 12,5 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 40 Seaside Scherzando Wentworth Judy Talacko 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular yyg
40 40 Seaton Delaval Hall, Northumberland Wentworth - - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 40 Shaun the Sheep - Mossy Bottom Farm Wentworth 861307 - - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Sie machen die Runde, obwohl sie sitzen, weil sie gestanden haben Wentworth 037 - - - 8,0 x 12,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 Der Sieg der Neugier über die Eitelkeit Wentworth Irregular ygg
40 40 Sky Roads Wentworth 511413 6050265199562 - Royce B. McClure 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Snowflakes Wentworth 520713 6050265195922 - Royce B. McClure 12,0 x 8,2 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 Sorrento Wentworth Malenda Trick 11,2 x 8,2 Irregular yyy
40 40 Southwold 2 Wentworth Louise Braithwaite 12,0 x 8,2 Irregular ygg
40 40 Spot the Cheetah Wentworth 2818 - - Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 40 Spring Pets Wentworth 3139 - - Howard Robinson 8,0 x 12,0 Irregular grg
40 40 St Giles at Sunset Wentworth - - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 42 Stained Glass Nativity Wentworth 572901 - - - 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 43 stark belastet und gut geschützt Wentworth 212683002 6050265802696 2016 - 12,5 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 39 The Starry Night Wentworth 740404 6050265302818 - Vincent van Gogh 12,5 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 40 Summer at Mousehole Wentworth 451303 - Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ygg
40 40 Summer Bunnies Wentworth 4016 - - Valerie Baines 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular grg
40 40 Sylter Partnerlook Wentworth 136317302 9783896661692 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 The Thames at Westminster Wentworth 801505 6050265332723 - Jim Mitchell 12,5 x 8,7 Irregular ggg
40 40 Three Wise Men Wentworth 1515 - - Mary Tozer 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 42 Toombes Meadow Floods Wentworth - - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 43 Tower Town Wentworth 645913 6050265270698 - Zebo Ludvicek 8,7 x 12,5 Irregular ggg
40 40 Trelissick Garden, Cornwall Wentworth 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ygg
40 40 Two Can Play Wentworth 2820 - - Brian Pollard 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 40 Valdemar Atterdag holding Visby to ransom, 1361 Wentworth 563004 6050265143657 Carl Gustaf Hellqvist 12,0 x 8,2 Irregular ygg
40 40 Wallace and Gromit - Christmas Pudding Wentworth 852901 - - - 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ggg
40 39 Das Wappentier der Sammelwütigen Wentworth 532 - - - 8,0 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 40 Was sie auch registriert, sie pfeift auf alles Wentworth 012 - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Victorian Cut ggg
40 40 The Wedding Belle Train in LLangollen Station Wentworth - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular yyg
40 40 The Wickham Set at Carrog Wentworth - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular yyg
40 42 Winter Friends Wentworth 522607 - - Howard Robinson 8,2 x 12,0 Irregular ggg
40 42 Winter Millstream Wentworth - - - - 12,0 x 8,0 Irregular ggg
40 Winters Warmth Wentworth 811902 6050265330972 - Czes Pachela 12,5 x 8,7 Victorian Cut ygg
40 40 Yellow Roses Wentworth 498512 - - - 12,0 x 8,2 Irregular ggg
40 40 Zufrieden Pleased with the result Wentworth 212683005 6050265323370 2017 - 8,7 x 12,5 Victorian Cut ggg
40 49 Zum Friseur - Nicht mit mir Wentworth 528 - - - 8,1 x 11,8 Irregular ggg

Puzzles all over: 170